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Welcome to Ernie's Plaice Takeaway - your local culinary gem in Alexandria! Discover why Ernie's Plaice Takeaway is a beloved local favourite in Alexandria! Just search "burger near me," click on our website, and order online to unlock exclusive deals and discounts, ensuring a scrumptious burger is on its way to you in no time.

Indulge in a tantalising array of delights, from mouthwatering pakoras to juicy burgers, specialty pizzas, a variety of pasta dishes including classic Bolognese, Napoli, carbonara, and more. Each dish is crafted with care using organic, fresh ingredients sourced locally, guaranteeing a unique and unforgettable flavour profile that we know you'll savour!

At Ernie's Plaice, convenience is key! All our delectable meals are available for collection or through our efficient home delivery service, allowing you to enjoy our culinary creations in the comfort of your own home.

Exciting news! Ernie's Plaice has partnered with the Mealzo online food ordering portal. Order through Mealzo's app to enjoy exclusive discounts on your online orders!

Have questions or ready to place an order? Feel free to reach out to us at 01389756665. Our friendly team is here to assist you with any inquiries you may have and ensure your ordering experience is seamless.

A special thank you for visiting our online ordering website! Order, savour, delight in your meal, & make plans to return for more culinary adventures tomorrow.